The Afficionado's Conundrum: Updates
Extension: Deadline is November 26 00:01, I suggest submitting your entries on the 25th.

For those who have already submitted their entries:

Visual: If you want to edit, update your work. You may do so, send me the link to the updated image either through e-mail (, Y!M (, or through PM at the forums.

Literary: Paste your work onto either MS Word, Word Pad, or Notepad. Attach it to an e-mail and send it to

Signature Offenders Punishment: If you want to edit, update your work. You may do so, send me the link to the updated image either through e-mail (, Y!M (, or through PM at the forums.

I apologize for any inconveniences you may have suffered. For questions you may e-mail me or add me up on Y!M.


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