Why I Miss and Love You
Feine, don’t read this. Damnit.

Every once so often we get to meet those people who for some reason stand out against everyone else we’ve went out with.

You could spend a thousand nights of passion with anyone else, yet all of them would be washed away with one touch from the one you love. No matter how fleeting, no matter how light, that one moment would forever be marked on you.

Strange, that would be one word to describe it and by itself it is a gross understatement. For some reason, that I only wish I knew, it etches itself on every part of you that you could almost, just almost feel it happening all over again. It debilitates your way of thinking, leaves you staring blankly into space, almost, almost.

The 5 types of FlyFFers You Meet When Vending (Who You Wish Never Existed)

For some time I've wanted to rant, I mean write about those players you often meet while vending. Unwinding after a long day of grinding your character choose to relax at Saint Morning's nearest corner giving a whole new meaning to the word kanto boy when you come across one of those players who you just wish you could PK with no consequences.

5. The Negotiator

Images of hostages being rescued as gorgeous men or women speak into their phones to talk to the villains usually enter our mind when this word comes to mind. But when it comes to MMORPGs few players are as annoying as this one.

Selling something for 5b? He’ll take it from you for 4b + any item he has. Oh, you agreed? Well guess what, now he wants it for 3.5 all with a smug grin as he screams take that from behind his screen while his emerald tinted snot dirties his keyboard.

V15 - Beta Testers Notice
Everything is on a first come first serve basis. I do not entertain reservations through friends, you either talk to me or you do not receive an account.

Refrain from logging in on Monday. We will be having the skills fixed, along with other noticeable bugs.

For bug reports please send me a message at flyff.fm.frau@gmail.com while the threads are not yet up. Thanks you.

Questions are to be directed to flyff_fm_frau@yahoo.com